Lending and examination
Requests to borrow collection items, as well as loan renewals, should be made in writing via e-mail to the conservators. To Dr. McGlynn (mcglynn@snsb.de), for skeletal remains from prehistoric to Roman times, and to Dr. Harbeck (harbeck@snsb.de), for skeletal remains from medieval to modern times. Loans are generally available for diagnostic purposes to certified freelance osteoanthropologists, to graduate students, for museum exhibitions, and to scientific institutions. For loans to students, an academic supervisor must sign the loan and acts as the responsible party.
In all cases, the decision whether to lend collection materials rests with the specified conservators and SAM director. In accordance with the Guidelines for the Sustained Preservation of Research Data, loans made for processing or sampling of SAM human remains may be permitted only if a find has been collected according to the SAM’s standardized guidelines.